A change in resource availability and the provision of human-related sources of food and water to wildlife has a direct impact on the ecology, behaviour, and abundance of predators. In Australia, mining operations established in remote arid zones offer an attractive haven for wildlife, particularly dingoes (Canis dingo). Regular interaction between dingoes and humans at these locations increases the risk of ongoing human-wildlife conflict (incidents) that range from theft and property damage, to direct attack. The presence of large numbers of dingoes represents a significant challenge for management authorities charged with minimising risk to human safety, while also trying to conserve the local wildlife. I present a case study of a large mining operation in Western Australia (Great Sandy Desert), with the aim of understanding the impacts such environments have on dingo biology and behaviour, as well as determining the nature of the human-dingo interactions. This includes a comprehensive summary of the dingo population and population dynamics (including den site activity, and territorial boundaries), diet, attitudes towards dingoes and dingo management, and the nature of negative human-dingo incidents. I conclude by discussing the challenges of managing dingoes in a way that fosters co-existence.