Tuesday, 11th July 12th International Mammalogical Congress

8:00AM - 9:00AM
Tuesday, 11th July
Riverside Theatre Foyer
9:00AM - 10:00AM
Tuesday, 11th July
Riverside Theatre
Chair: Professor Christopher Dickman
10:00AM - 10:40AM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 2
Chair: Claudio Sillero-Zubiri
10:00AM - 10:40AM
Tuesday, 11th July
River View Room 5
Chair: Paul Meek

This session is proudly sponsored by CSIRO


10:00AM - 10:40AM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 6
Chair: Philip Withers
10:00AM - 10:40AM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 8
Chair: Jeremy Searle
10:40AM - 11:10AM
Tuesday, 11th July
Riverside Theatre Foyer
11:10AM - 12:40PM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 3
Chair: Keith Morris

This session is proudly sponsored by Advanced Telemetry Systems Australia


11:10AM - 12:40PM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 7
Chair: Tamara Keeley


Tamara Keeley, University of Queensland, Australia; Martin Dehnhard, Leibniz Institute for Zoo & Wildlife Research, Germany; Dr. Kerry Fanson, Deakin University, Australia.

Recent developments of new and innovative methods for reproductive and adrenal hormone monitoring, as well as the latest advances in basic endocrinology as applied to adrenal function, reproductive physiology, animal health, and ecology will be discussed. This workshop will explore biological sample type options (eg. faecal, urine, hair etc), sample collection and preservation considerations, validation of analysis techniques, data interpretation challenges and highlighting through examples the potential benefits/contribution of non-invasive hormone analysis to monitoring the health and fecundity of wild animal populations.

12:40PM - 1:40PM
Tuesday, 11th July
Riverside Theatre Foyer
1:40PM - 3:20PM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 9
Chair: Rosalind Kennerley

This workshop is by invitation only.

Rosalind Kennerley, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK.

The IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group (SMSG) represents rodents, shrews, moles, solenodons, hedgehogs and tree-shrews, and is therefore responsible for more than 2800 species, accounting for over half of all mammal species. In this workshop we will bring together a panel of experts from across different disciplines to give a series of short talks reviewing the current knowledge and understanding of this group of species, before holding a structured working session around the topics of research and conservation plans for the future.

By the end of 2016 the Red List assessments and reassessments for all species in the group will have been completed. This provides the SMSG with the ideal opportunity to undertake global analyses on the data to identify key regions for threatened and Data Deficient (DD) species. The results of these analyses will be presented during the workshop. One of the greatest challenges that the SMSG faces is how to address and reduce the large number of DD species. In the 2008 assessment 447 were listed under this category, in many cases this was due uncertainty of taxonomy within families and this topic will form the second of the talks. The important gaps in our scientific understanding of the taxonomy within the group will be discussed and the developing role of molecular approaches in conservation, especially in revealing cryptic species groups, will be highlighted. The second cause of the high number of DD species is that there is often a paucity of even basic ecological information about the species and consequently it is not possible to apply the Red List Criteria. This subject will be considered in the third talk.

3:20PM - 3:50PM
Tuesday, 11th July
Riverside Theatre Foyer
5:15PM - 6:45PM
Tuesday, 11th July
River View Room 5
5:15PM - 6:45PM
Tuesday, 11th July
Meeting Room 10
Chair: Christine Cooper

Organiser: Dr Kristine Vesterdorf, University of Western Australia.

This workshop aims to bring together experts and users from different fields that have an interest in, are planning on, or have used implantable heart rate and temperature sensors, or any other ECG or heart rate sensors. Workshop objectives will focus on explaining the fundamental principles of ECG derived heart rate measurements, practical aspects of programming sensors, implanting sensors, and how to verify and process the data to get the most out of your measurements.

The workshop will start off with a theoretical and practical overview of the sensors. It will then go on to discuss real working examples in different animal models, and finally go through signal processing and validation methods of the acquired data. The workshop will be wrapped up with a lively discussion that will include the benefits and shortcomings of heart rate measurements and how it is possible to move forward in the field.

7:00PM - 10:00PM
Tuesday, 11th July