Paul D Meek
Paul has been working in the ecological field for over 30 years in positions throughout Australia and has been fortunate to work overseas, including 3 years on Christmas Island. He completed his under-graduate Degree at Roseworthy in SA, a Master’s Degree on the biology and ecology of foxes, free-roaming dogs and cats in Jervis Bay at Uni Canberra and completed his PhD at Uni New England titled : Analysis of the Functionality, Value and Constraints of Using Camera Traps for Wildlife Monitoring and Ecological Research. He is currently working for NSW Dept Primary Industries in the animal and plant pest unit, although he is a research collaborator of the Vertebrate Pest Research Unit and Invasive Animals CRC, and University of New England, Queensland University Technology and Singapore University. Primary work roles are developing policy framework for pest management that integrate new research findings into control and monitoring. He also contributes to research that benefits pest management and impact monitoring, conducting training and working with all pest agencies throughout Australia to develop best practice.
Areas of expertise include, camera trapping, predator trapping, small mammal trapping, radio tracking, fox, wild dog and feral cat ecology, Hastings River Mouse ecology and as the first Australia ecologist to study an Australian shrew, he was responsible for writing the species profile for the first inclusion of the Christmas Island Shrew into Mammals of Australia
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